What is your farm's environmental footprint?
With NESTT, egg farmers can undertake a sustainability assessment of their farm, benchmarking their results against other Canadian farms. With on-demand access to comparative data and the latest environmental information, egg farmers can also set informed sustainability goals and track their progress.


Create your account
All you need to create an account is your Farm Registration ID, which is available from your egg board.

Conduct your assessment
You’ll need information on flock, feed and water use, energy, manure and transportation to complete your assessment.

Receive your results instantly
NESTT will show how you’re already driving sustainability, allow you to evaluate your farm’s year-over-year performance and compare regionally.

Anonymously submit your data to advance our sector
This data will inform future life cycle analysis of the entire egg industry and support our collective goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Create your action plan
NESTT will provide actionable insights, help set goals and plan for the future.
Measure, monitor and manage your farm’s environmental footprint
NESTT features

Get your customized sustainability scorecard
NESTT measures sustainability in areas like manure management and feed, water and energy use. The information is presented on a flock-by-flock basis.

Make comparisons and benchmark against other operations
NESTT gives you the unique opportunity to compare your year-over-year performance and make regional and national comparisons.
Set goals in your action plan and follow your progress
Manage your farm’s environmental footprint and create action plans to continue your sustainability journey.

Get tailor-made content
The information generated through NESTT allows you to assess how adding new green technology can support your goals and make decisions based on scientific evidence.

The first sustainability assessment tool for Canadian egg farmers
Welcome to the National Environmental Sustainability and Technology Tool (NESTT), an innovative sustainability assessment tool developed specifically for Canadian egg farmers.
The first tool of its kind, NESTT is one of the ways egg farmers are improving environmental outcomes and leading in sustainability.

Let’s lead the way to a sustainable future together
By completing an assessment in NESTT and anonymously submitting your data for every flock, you’re directly contributing to advancing our broader sustainability goals. This allows us all to continue to advance our sustainability journey, together.

I was able to use NESTT to determine my baseline environmental footprint and it gives me resources to help improve my farm's carbon footprint. This will become useful as I make changes to production practices whether it is housing or adding energy-efficient products to our farm.
NS Egg Farmer

Inputting the data is pretty easy and straight forward. Overall, it is not too much effort to complete the assessment. There’s a lot of value in the peer-to-peer comparisons.
AB Egg Farmer

NESTT is fairly easy to use. The results and feedback from the tool were easy to read and understand. Going solar is on our farms list of goals to accomplish over the next five years, so good to see that our goals align with other sustainability goals.
NS Egg Farmer
Our partners

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